Small Steps, Big Steps

celebrate your wins. appreciate yourself. mindfulness

Small steps, big steps, I believe that both are as impactful as the other.

The small routines, habits, and actions you have created for yourself and follow through with in your daily life really do make a difference.

Never underestimate its’ power.

Small steps lead you to the bigger steps, the bigger changes.

Appreciate them, because the small steps are a result of your consistent, tenacious, and resilient self.

Be proud of yourself in the process, because it takes a lot of mental strength and hard-work to keep going when we get discouraged by the idea that we don’t think we are making big steps all the time.

But you are.

Because those small steps are big steps.

Each one counts.

And each step you take is getting yourself closer to the door that is ready for you to open, where all your dreams and aspirations lie.

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